HOTCUS 2020 Annual Conference: Call for Papers
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, 10-12 June 2020
Plenary Speaker: Professor Connie Chiang (Bowdoin College)
Historians of the Twentieth Century United States (HOTCUS) is delighted to invite paper and panel proposals for our 2020 annual conference. The conference will take place in the historic Scottish capital city of Edinburgh and will be hosted by the University of Edinburgh’s School of History, Classics, and Archaeology.
Papers from members or non-members are welcomed on all topics concerning the history of the United States – broadly conceived – from 1890 to the present. The committee welcomes proposals for papers and panels covering all aspects of U.S. history, including (but not limited to):
- Citizenship, immigration, and migration
- Cultural and intellectual history
- Economic history
- Environmental history
- Foreign relations
- Gender and sexuality
- Native American history
- Pedagogy and practice
- Political and policy history
- Race and racism
- Religion
- Science and technology
- Urban history
Individual paper proposals, three-person panel proposals, and roundtables on specific issues are equally welcomed. To help the symposium organisers arrange panels, please note your gender with your submission. HOTCUS is dedicated to fostering a culture of diversity and inclusion. We will give preference to panels that reflect the diversity of our field in terms of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and institutional affiliation. We will also give preference to panels that include a mix of participants from across the career spectrum (i.e., from postgraduate to professor). Historically women have been disproportionately underrepresented on panels and HOTCUS is taking positive action, as permitted under s.158 Equality Act 2010, to enable and encourage the participation of women. For this reason all-male panel proposals will not be accepted. HOTCUS may constitute an all-male panel or other presentation where absolutely necessary (but any such consideration will be other than via the call for papers procedure). HOTCUS would also especially welcome proposals from the BAME academic community, who have historically been under-represented at its events.
If submitting an individual paper, please send a brief CV (no more than two pages) and a 200-300-word abstract of the proposed paper. Panel proposals should contain a 200-300-word abstract for each paper and a brief CV (no more than two pages) for each participant in a single document. Panel chairs can be included with the proposal or can be added by the HOTCUS organising committee. The number of papers that can be presented at the 2020 conference is limited to 84 in total. Decisions on acceptance will be made on a rolling basis, and so the CfP may close earlier than the advertised date below. In the event that the CfP closes early, HOTCUS members will be notified via email and social media
Paper and panel proposals should be submitted to the HOTCUS email address – [email protected] – by 7th February 2020. This email account is checked on Mondays and Thursdays.