The 2024 HOTCUS annual conference will be hosted by the University of Southampton, between the 19-21 June 2024. The plenary speaker will be Randall J. Stephens, Professor of American and British Studies at the University of Oslo, whose keynote is titled “‘Socialism has been steadily battering at our gates’: The Roosevelt Administration and Religion in the Dust Bowl.” As in previous years, the plenary speaker will host the PGR/ECR workshop on the first day of the conference where PhD students and Early Careers Researchers can present and receive feedback on chapters, articles, or detailed research proposals.
Registration for the conference is now open. Attendants can register at the University of Southampton’s portal – Link
The Call for Papers has now closed, and the public programme is available here – Link.
The full programme (with room locations) as well as the papers submitted for the PGR/ECR workshop have been circulated by email to all registered attendants. Please check the email address employed upon registration to access these.