2025 HOTCUS Annual Conference, University of Lancaster, 18-20 June 2025. 

The 2025 HOTCUS annual conference will be held at the University of Lancaster, 18-20 June 2025. We are delighted to announce that Professor Andrew Preston (University of Cambridge) will be our keynote speaker. 

The Call for Papers is available through this link, while a summary is available below.

The 2025 HOTCUS annual conference will be held at the University of Lancaster, 18-20 June 2025. We are delighted to announce that Professor Andrew Preston (University of Cambridge) will be our keynote speaker, titled “Defending the American Way: The Liberalism of War and FDR’s National Security Revolution.”

HOTCUS is pleased to welcome proposals for individual papers, but particularly encourages interested members to consider developing innovative panels and roundtables, including state of the field discussions, reassessments of key texts, and fora that explore issues in research, career development, and pedagogy. To facilitate early development of proposals, HOTCUS has set up an online form (Google Doc) where potential applicants can share ideas and invite collaboration.

Postgraduate and early career scholars should also save the date for our PGR/ECR workshop with Professor Preston, which will take place on June 18, 2025. Full details will be circulated as part of the main CFP, but this is an invaluable opportunity to share a piece of work in progress for discussion and feedback from Professor Preston and other HOTCUS members at the Annual Conference. Postgraduates and early career scholars are welcome to apply to present work at both the main conference and the workshop. The Call for Papers for the PGR/ECR workshop is available through this link

Panel proposals should contain a title and 200-300 word abstract for the panel as a whole, a 200-300-word abstract for each paper, and a brief CV (no more than two pages) for each participant. Please place these in a single document. Panel chairs can be specified in the proposal or can be added by the conference organisers. 

If submitting an individual paper, please send a brief CV (no more than two pages), plus a title and 200-300-word abstract for the proposed paper. Please place both the abstract and CV in a single document, with your surname as the file name. 

Please email all submissions to [email protected] by midnight, UK time on March 2, 2025.