The 2022 HOTCUS Postgraduate and ECR conference will be held at the University of Leicester on 15 October 2019 on the theme of Poverty and (In)Equality in U.S. History . More details and the CfP are available here.
Previous Events:
2021: Virtual Conference (3 September 2021) Medicine, Disease, and Disability in the Twentieth-Century United States
2020: Virtual Conference (18 September 2020) America At and Beyond the Ballot Box
2019: University of Oxford (18 October 2019) The Regulated Body
2018: University of Nottingham (20 October 2018) The Uses and Abuses of the American Past
2017: University of Cambridge (21 October 2017)
2016: Northumbria University (9 September 2016)
2015: University of Glasgow (4 December 2015)
2014: University of Sheffield (21 June 2014)