HOTCUS 2023 Doctoral and Early Career Research Awards
We are pleased to open up the Research Awards for another round of 2023 applications. Please submit your application to [email protected] by March 6, 2023.
HOTCUS welcomes applications from doctoral students and recent PhD graduates not yet in academic employment, as well as those on short-term (less than three years), fractional, or hourly paid contracts for its 2023 Research Award competition.
HOTCUS Research Awards support research in any area of twentieth century United States history. Applications may be made for up to £500 for research expenses (including the cost of hiring a research assistant) and/or research travel during the 2023 calendar year. There are no residency restrictions and travel may be to, or within, any country.
A survey conducted by HOTCUS, BrANCH, and BGEAH has brought a significant pattern of exclusion within the field of American history in the UK to light (the survey report is accessible via In response to the existing challenges which scholars from ethnic minority background face in our community, HOTCUS has taken the decision to award one of this year’s research awards to a scholar from an ethnic minority background.
Applicants must be members of HOTCUS at the time of application.
Successful applicants for a HOTCUS Research Award agree to submit a short report within two months of the activity for publication on the HOTCUS website and acknowledge the award in future publications. We also warmly encourage award recipients to present their research findings at a future HOTCUS Annual Conference.
All applications must be submitted on the application form included through this link.
The deadline for applications is Monday March 6, 2023.
Applications should be submitted to [email protected]. Please direct queries to the same address. Applicants will be notified of the outcome of the competition in February 2023. Applications will be assessed using the following criteria: accuracy and clarity of costings; feasibility of research proposal and schedule; potential contribution of the proposed research to the field of twentieth century American history.